Education and Experience

Mr. Venuto has a string of credentials that makes him not only quite popular in the field of fitness but well-educated in this realm as well. After attending the Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Mr. Venuto earned a bachelor of science degree in Adult Health/Fitness. This is also referred to as Exercise Science. In addition to this he is also a member of the International Society for Sports Nutrition and the American College of Sports Medicine just to name a few. He has also directed many fitness centers across the country as well as made many appearances in magazines and even been a guest speaker on several radio shows as well.

Look Like an Athlete

The Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle program is different from many weight and fat loss programs because it focuses not only on losing the fat but also on increasing and toning muscle. The end result is a body that has much less fat but does not lose its shape or form therefore possessing the look of an athletic build. This is a goal that is sought after by many and sometimes just as elusive as it is desired. With Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle anyone can achieve the body they want if they just take the time to follow the guidelines of the program correctly and completely. This allows anyone to look like an athlete even if they have never played sports.

Strength Training Exercise

No program dedicated to burning fat, toning muscle or even losing weight is going to be very effective without some type of exercise routine to back it up. Although there is a huge amount of importance placed on exercise not just any type of exercise will create the results which you are looking for. In order to get a body that looks athletic, well-toned and healthy strength training exercises are the best exercise routines to use. These specific exercises focus not on losing but on gaining and strengthening. For most people the muscle is already present it simply needs to be toned, strengthened and properly formed. This is where strength exercises come into play. While these exercise routines can be performed with various types of weights and other equipment there are also a great number of them that can be performed quite easily without these things as well. With the Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle program you will learn which exercises work the best for this as well as how to correctly perform these exercises as well. Since this is such a vital part of this program there is a great part of this online book dedicated to this purpose.

Let’s Not Forget Nutrition!

While the exercise portion of the Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle program is of great importance it is very important that the issue of nutrition not be neglected. Like any other weight loss or fat burning program the success of Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is hugely dependent on your ability to make a diet of the proper foods a major part of your goal. What many people fail to realize in this area is that the amounts of certain foods that you consume as the types of foods are. This particular program mandates that you increase the consumption of certain types of foods. The most highly recommended of these foods include the following:

Lean Protein


Complex Carbohydrates

Healthy Fats

As with any program if you fail to eat the right foods you will not see the success that you may be expecting. This of course may lead not only to frustration but ultimately failure. This is why Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle goes into great detail concerning the foods that you should include in your diet and the ones that you should simply leave alone. This doesn’t mean you still can’t consume the amount of calories that you may be accustomed to simply that you may need to obtain these calories from different sources from that which you may have been previously used to.

When you look at each aspect of Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle separately it doesn’t look like any of it would make much of a difference. When you combine all of these different components, however, it is not difficult to see why this program is so highly regarded and so tremendously effective.